Hi I am Laura Petitt, welcome to LightWorks!

Client Testimonials Below

Client Testimonials

Ellis - Gym owner, Trainer, Sports Referee

Laura introduced me to Healing Touch after noticing that I was limping and having knee issues. I explained that I refereed multiple games per week and wasn’t ready to see a doctor. The first time Laura performed her miracle work on my knee, I was amazed at how I felt for the next couple weeks….I was nearly pain free! Not only did I experience physical benefits but I felt so relaxed and clear headed after treatment. I booked several more sessions with Laura, to help me get through the reffing season and have recommended a few people to her for treatment. I highly recommend Laura - she’s a kind, compassionate and capable healer.

Maria - Salon Owner, Mom

Laura’s knowledge and healing abilities are endless. Her deep gifts channel through all of my emotional scars in the gentlest but extremely effective ways that continue to bring me only forward to a healthy, light, loving journey that I truly own. Her work has given me an awareness of the present moments I was never able to enjoy or trust before, without going back into past patterns of trauma triggers. She is like no other!!! I have spent decades on my search for emotional long term wellness, until I met Laura! She has given me the insight and tools to connect all my dots, her work continues to guide, heal and inspire me.

Michelle - CNS, Certified Nutrition Specialist

I have found through my years of helping people with their nutrition that sometimes perfect labs and the perfect diet do not always equate to full healing. Those of us that hold trauma and emotional scars in our body, may eat perfectly but still have symptoms of ill-health. Laura’s Healing Touch is a beautiful alternative therapy that helped me to release stress, tension and built-up anxiety from my past. After a session my body does truly feel like its “energy field” is more balanced, certain aches and pains and tension disappear. I think this type of healing is the missing piece for many people who have tried all the basics like diet, supplements and medications. Thank you Laura for helping me to get rid of life-long hip and upper back pain!

Debbie - Consultant

Laura is a kind, caring, and compassionate healer who always tries to find the best method and treatment for her clients. Laura first offered to help me with healing touch following a reconstruction surgery on my left foot. I had been having a lot of pain and a long road of recovery in front of me. Laura immediately identified areas of issue and several blocked chakras and worked to open all the energy in my body so that I could heal more quickly and completely. We both had an amazing experience when she was clearing energy from the left foot of my hard cast when an energy funnel was shooting out of the top of my cast. We could both feel all the energy escaping, ridding my foot of much of the pain and helping with healing. Each time I have had a treatment with Laura I come away feeling better, clearer, and more aligned. She works to become in sync with her clients and then helping them to bring their energy in line.

What to Expect During a Session

Join me in my office and privately discuss your current situation and any concerns you may have about this modality of energy treatment. Not just for restoration and relaxation, the holistic modality of Healing Touch can actually address your combined physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual needs. After our brief consultation, you will get on the massage table, fully-clothed, and your body will communicate to me what is happening energetically and what it needs. I will use light touch when indicated and maintain an energetic presence. I am always fascinated by the synergy and sometimes, lack of synergy of one's conscious experience and their body's experience. After the Healing Touch treatment, we will discuss your experience and my energetic findings. We will then determine frequency of visits and discuss self-healing modalities that may be incorporated into your treatment plan. I will encourage you to embrace your natural ability to heal yourself and live your light!

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